Saturday, October 20, 2007

Out: More Fall (because the readers demand it).

Okay, so Anthony and I both go a little crazy with the foliage shots in the fall. But there's a relatively low percentage of deciduous trees around the Tahoe basin (at least for a couple of east coast kids like ourselves), so we're compelled to enjoy the fall colors while they're here, lest autumn pass us by unnoticed.

We're lucky enough to have these fabulous poplars on the beach in front of our apartment. They're huge -- like 80-100 feet tall -- and their leaves turn a bright yellow-gold which are especially intense against the blue water and sky. It's a color theory dream.

We took these photos on Wednesday. I particularly love the shots from the bottom of the trees looking skyward. And I'm not the only one -- notice the photographer to the right in the last shot? He came up right behind us to snag his own shots from this angle. It's hard being a trendsetter.

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